Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Diagnose Maintenance Issues ASAP

Keeping up on home maintenance is important and easy to do. Just like your car, when something starts acting funny... CHECK IT OUT! Several problems, such as electrical and plumbing issues can become extremely expensive if not taken care of in a proper amount of time.

A light bulb goes out, a breaker keeps tripping, or your switch plate is missing... the next day you could have a ash in place of a home, or even death.

A toilet seems to be running all night... you could be waking up to an unexpected remodel... your toilet is now in your living room instead of your upstairs bathroom. This is going to cost tons more than if you would have taken care of it when you first noticed it.

There is scary, expensive, consequences you don’t keep up on maintenance.

If you are not handy, find someone who is to "diagnose" what's going on and what potential expenses will come from fixing it now, or fixing it when it breaks... chances are that it is much less expensive to fix it now.

new breaker $20 Install $90
House on fire... Expensive

leaky toilet $50-$200
toilet now in living room... Expensive

Sunday, November 2, 2008